Effectiveness of a Super-Pulsed CO2 Laser For Removal of Biofilm From Three Different Types of Implant Surfaces: An In Vitro Study

As dental implants become
a routine part of dental practice, so too will the
prevalence of peri-implant diseases. Inherent
to the treatment of peri-implant disease is the
removal of microbial biofilms from the implant
surface. Currently, there is no standardized
protocol for application of any treatment
modality directed at implant surface decontamination.
In this in vitro study, we report
on the effectiveness of a super-pulsed CO2
laser, delivering an
average fluence of 6.3 to 113 J/cm2, to
remove biofilm from three different types of
implant surface topographies.
Biofilms ranged in thickness from
5 to 15 μm. An average fluence of 19 J/cm2
was sufficient to achieve 100% ablation of the
biofilm on hydrophilic sandblasted and acidetched
surface specimens (SA). However, to
achieve 100% ablation of biofilm on HA and
highly crystalline, phosphate enriched titanium
oxide (PTO) surfaced implants required an
average fluence of 38 J/cm2.