Flapless Postextraction Socket Implant Placement, Part 2. The Effects of Bone Grafting and Provisional Restoration on Peri-implant Soft Tissue Height & Thickness - A Retrospective Study
This article presents the results of evaluating the changes in peri-implant soft tissue dimensions associated with immediate implant placement into anterior post-extraction sockets for four treatment groups: no BGPR(bone graft, no provisional restoration), PR (no bone graft, provisional restoration), BG (bone graft, no provisional restoration), and BGPR (bone graft, provisional restoration). The vertical distance of the peri-implant soft tissue was greater for grafted sites than for non-grafted ones. The facial soft tissue thickness at the gingival third was greater for grafted than for non-grafted sites and for sites with provisional restorations compared to sites without them, respectively. The net gain in soft tissue height and thickness was about 1mm. The increases in vertical and horizontal dimensions for grafted sites were between 0.5 and 1.0mm, as compared to sites with no bone graft and no provisional restoration.