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Immediate Occlusal Loading (IOL) of Dental Implants: Predictable Results Through DIEM Guidelines

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Craig Misch, Dennis Tarnow, Tiziano Testori, MD, DDS, FICD

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In recent years, the immediate loading of dental implants has become more accepted as a standard protocol for the treatment of the fully edentulous mandible. The pioneers in implant dentistry often tried this technique but only achieved mixed success. One of the main reasons for the failure of these early attempts was the lack of understanding of the biological and mechanical principles that we now know are necessary for clinical success.

Dental implants that are immediately loaded should be stable after insertion, and they should be rigidly splinted around the curvature of the arch. In addition, the provisional prosthesis should not be disturbed (if possible) during the healing process that occurs approximately two months after placement. These simple guidelines have allowed for the predictable treatment of many patients who would otherwise have had to wear their dentures during the healing period or even go without them during the initial postoperative period.

The following monograph is another step in the maturation of the immediate loading technique. The authors have outlined their technique for predictable loading of the edentulous mandible as well as the use of new components that make the procedure faster and more user-friendly for the patient and the treating team. They are to be complimented for taking on this project and using an evidence-based approach to support their techniques and definitions.