The Modified IVAN Technique: Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation at Extraction for Delayed Implant Placement
Failure of a natural tooth may not permit placement of
an implant at the time of extraction due to insufficiency
in available bone to house the implant. Reconstruction
of the extraction socket frequently involves both hard
and soft tissue augmentation to provide a site that can house
the implant and ridge contours that mimic the adjacent natural
anatomy. This situation becomes more problematic in the
maxillary anterior due to the anatomy and the lower density of
the bone of the premaxilla.
The solution is the interpositional vascularized augmentation
neogenesis (IVAN), which consists of hard tissue grafts, various
barrier membranes, and closure with the pediculated connective
tissue graft (PCTG). The modified IVAN (mIVAN) technique
achieves the necessary goals and may be used in both delayed
and immediate placement situations.